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Friday, April 4, 2003

Host and guide Bill Kelleher of TWB Enterprises, Inc., arranged two pick-up points for our early morning departure on Friday, April 4. Early that morning, we boarded the coaches at the Second Presbyterian Church and the Southern Plaza Shopping Center in Indianapolis.

We traveled south along U.S. 37 to Bloomington where Larry Gonzalez of the Indiana University Office of Admissions escorted us to some of Bloomington’s most significant historic sites, including:

  • A behind-the-scenes look at the Lilly Rare Books Library and its renowned collection of books and documents.
Lilly Rare Books Library, Bloomington, Indiana

Mildred Varnado (right) with a curator at the Lilly Rare Books Library, Bloomington, Indiana
  • A guided tour of the 1835 Wylie House, home of Andrew Wylie, Indiana University’s first president.
Wylie House, Bloomington, Indiana
Kitchen of the Wylie House, Bloomington, Indiana
Bedroom of the Wylie House, Bloomington, Indiana
Andrew Wylie
  • A catered lunch at the Woodburn House, parts of which were constructed in 1829. After an 86-year period of ownership by the James Woodburn family, it became the residence of the late Herman B. Wells from 1932 to 1957 and is filled with memorabilia of the Wells Era at IU.
Woodburn House, Bloomington, Indiana
Herman B. Wells’ bedroom, Woodburn House, Bloomington, Indiana
Having lunch at the Woodburn House, Bloomington, Indiana
  • A visit to the Hoagy Carmichael Rooms in Morrison Hall on the IU campus; the collection is a lively memorial to Indiana’s famous songwriter and performing artist.
Morrison Hall, Bloomington, Indiana

Hoagy Carmichael’s portrait in the Memorial Room, Morrison Hall, Bloomington, Indiana

  • Ringing the Indiana Hall at Chicago’s Century of Progress Exposition in 1933 was a colorful 250-foot mural by American muralist Thomas Hart Benton depicting the history of the Hoosier state. Twenty-two mural panels were moved from Chicago to Bloomington in 1941 and remain displayed there. Pioneers viewed some of the panels and learned about the history, installation, and conservation of these priceless works of art.
Three views of the Thomas Hart Benton murals preserved in the IU Auditorium, Bloomington, Indiana.

We returned around 6:00 p.m. to Indianapolis.