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The Woodstock Club
Indianapolis, Indiana
Saturday, November 1, 2003

The 88th Annual Meeting of The Society of Indiana Pioneers was held at the Woodstock Club in Indianapolis on Saturday, November 1. Following the 4:30 business meeting at which the Governors and Officers were elected, members viewed a slide show of the 2003 pilgrimages: to Bloomington in April and to Louisville, Kentucky, and Clarksville, Indiana, in October for the commemoration of the bicentennial of the start of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Newly-elected officers of the Society for 2004 (left to right): Curt Morris, treasurer; Joan Everitt, yearbook editor; Mary Ellen Simpers, registrar; Leigh Morris, president; Jamia Jacobsen, vice-president/president-elect; Bob Everitt, secretary

Following dinner, Governor and former President Evie Rhodehamel did the roll call, and newly elected President Leigh Morris read the necrology, paying tribute to those members whose deaths had been reported since the last annual meeting.

2003 business meeting of the Society at the Woodstock Club, Indianapolis.

The program was a light-hearted story of a pioneer woman in early Indiana, “Porch Swings and Prairie Wings”, as told by master storyteller Susan Grizzell. The evening was concluded with singing “Back Home Again in Indiana.”

Betsy and Ken Beasley enjoy conversing with Curt Morris at the reception before the business meeting and dinner. (Christy Morris is over Curt’s left shoulder.)